Do you hear that? Yeah that sound… that’s the sound of balls fallling… I attended an event for professional women the other day, and they talked about how as women, you constantly have to juggle multiple balls – family, work, church, friends etc. And sometimes you will drop some of the balls… That was a…
Tag: woman
Is there a man in the house? AKA Bye Bye feminism
Feminism: FeminismĀ is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. (Wikipedia) The other day we were having electrical issues in the middle of the night. The electrician was trying to talk us through what to do on the phone, and at some point…
Breakups: I’m turning 30 soon
30!! Yikes!!! what a scary number!!! Turning 30 can be very challenging. Helga Weber via Compfight Turning thirty can be very scary. When my bro turned thirty I told him that we needed to petition for them to add another number between thirty and forty. It just doesn’t make sense that you will go from…
Thank God I’m a Woman (Guest Post: Sisters of Honor)
The special gift and ability of each creature defines its special limitations. And as the bird easily comes to terms with the necessity of bearing wings when it finds that it is, in fact, the wings that bear the bird — up, away from the world, into the sky, into freedom — so the woman…
You don’t owe it to anyone
Photo Credit: Steve Willi via Compfight You don’t owe it to the world to be pretty, to be attractive, to dress like they tell you to dress. You don’t owe it to the world to wear the color they say is “cute” on you, or the shape they say is flattering for your figure. You…