The special gift and ability of each creature defines its special limitations. And as the bird easily comes to terms with the necessity of bearing wings when it finds that it is, in fact, the wings that bear the bird — up, away from the world, into the sky, into freedom — so the woman who accepts the limitations of womanhood finds in those very limitations her gifts, her special calling — wings, in fact, which bear her up into perfect freedom, into the will of God.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot (Let me be a Woman)
(Today I have the privilege of guest posting on the Sisters of Honor blog, and believe me it is an incredible honor. Please visit the site and let me know what you think. See a brief excerpt below)
I’m emotional every day of the month, but there are some days that I am more emotional than others. I used to get really upset with myself when I would have emotional outbursts. I used to get so frustrated when I would be bothered by what people said or what people felt about me. I would wonder why I couldn’t be more like my brothers and my other friends. Why oh why did I always have to take things so personally?
There was the day when I got upset at my best friend because he said he “understood” what I was going through. “Really? Do you really? Could you really?” Was my response. Poor guy, he didn’t even see it coming. Or the day that just about everything everyone said sounded like such an insult or a stupid idea. Or the day I felt like everything (and I mean everything) was just a complete waste of time and that my life had been a complete… (Continue reading here)
(Don’t forget to visit the Sisters of Honor blog and subscribe – you’ll learn A LOT about being a woman who glorifies God with her life.)