Be strongĀ and courageous,because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestorsĀ to give them. (Joshua 1:6) david pham via Compfight I’ve been thinking about courage a lot lately. How it takes courage for men to approach women these days, and how it takes courage for women to trust God to…
Category: singleness
The other kinds of virgins…
So you’re a virgin? What exactly do you mean by that? Like the word “Christian,” whenever someone tells me that they are virgins I just nod my head and smile. It almost means nothing… God calls us to give our bodies as a living sacrifice, but just because a person has not had sex does…
Breakups: If not for your “stupid” standards
sometimes it seems like your standards are keeping you away from what you want, when actually they’re magnetizing you to everything you truly need. Photo Credit: Mario’s Planet via Compfight Is there anything (outside of breakups) worse than seeing people succeed even though they don’t have any ethical or moral standards? It’s even worse when…
Breakups: Facebook Envy
On facebook everyone is happy and has a perfect life…except you. Photo Credit: Gwyneth Anne Bronwynne Jones via Compfight A friend of mine once told be about a couple on facebook who always had the most amazing pictures and there were always comments about how in love they were and how glad they were to…
Breakups: Dealing with the loneliness
No one wants to be lonely…sometimes though we fight loneliness with the wrong things. Photo Credit: Thomas Leuthard via Compfight There was a time when I was sure if you looked up the definition of loneliness in the dictionary you would see my face right next to it… I mean the one guy…the one guy…