Be strong and courageous,because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. (Joshua 1:6)
david pham via Compfight
I’ve been thinking about courage a lot lately. How it takes courage for men to approach women these days, and how it takes courage for women to trust God to send them a good man.
I’ve been thinking about how it takes courage to listen to God in many things, because he often asks us to do extremely hard things. I’ve been thinking about how it takes courage to do the right thing, and to live the life we have been called to live.
See in the verse I excerpted above, God was telling Joshua to be strong and courageous. God said it to Joshua so many times, that it made me realize that Joshua was probably just like me… sometimes it’s easy to trust God, sometimes it’s easy to believe that what He said will come true…but other times…well other times it’s not so easy…and that is when God whispers to us: “Be strong and courageous”
I once heard someone say that God does not respond to our needs, He responds to our faith. And that is so true. We may need a car, a house, a man so badly…we feel like we will die without…but God dos not respond to our need…He responds to our faith. So what do you believe? What are you believing for? Do you think God has forsaken you? Do you think God does not want to give you your good things? Do you think that God enjoys making others (i.e. every other woman in the world) happy while you, his special princess, He likes to see you suffer?
In the verse, God asks Joshua to be strong and courageous because Joshua had to lead the people to the promises that God had in store for them. See this is why it’s important for you to trust God, for you to be strong and courageous…because God has a lot of promises for you that will never be accomplished if you’re afraid…
Don’t make those crazy decisions out of fear…don’t settle for that one guy just because you don’t think anything better is coming along. Don’t compromise your standards and give away your precious gift, because that one guy tells you that “if you love him, you would.” Don’t listen to the devil when he tries to insist that God doesn’t love you, otherwise he would not make you suffer so much…
Trust God dear… God loves you.
Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and very courageous.
We need you more than you could ever imagine.
Have you checked out the book on dealing with loneliness as a single woman?