Really? Is leading him to Jesus really the main thing on your mind right now?
Some people tell me that I’m easily amused. Perhaps I am. But the truth is when a woman tells me that she thinks she can lead her boyfriend to Jesus, and that’s why she wants to stay in the relationship, or get back into the relationship, I can’t help but laugh (unless I’m crying from how sad the whole thing is).
I once tried to lead a guy to a closer relationship with Jesus. You know what happened? He led me to a closer relationship with parties. Ahh well some of you may say “Missy, you’re just weak, you’re not strong like me. I would not succumb, I would lead him to Jesus.” And you may be right. Perhaps I am much weaker than you.
I used to think that I was so strong that I could resist anything, but as my brother’s pastor says “the flesh is a mess.” Your best bet is to keep yourself out of situations where you are more likely to fall into temptation.
If the most important thing to you is God, but it’s not the most important thing to the person you’re planning to date, and perhaps marry, can’t you foresee a few challenges in the future? Would he understand why you have to go to church often? Why you have to pay tithes and offering? Why you have to praise God? and Why your children need to be raised in church?
You make your own decisions. I’m praying for great things for you 🙂
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