Have you ever been tempted to tell someone how stupid the words coming out of their mouths sound? Have you wanted to say:
You’re an idiot, but you don’t know it
Well my fellow readers, I beg you not to say it. I beg you to hold your tongue because you will most likely lose the friendship, the relationship, or the client – unless the person is not truly an idiot and is actually open to constructive criticism.
Anyway below are a few things to do when you feel the urge to call someone an idiot
1. Take a deep breath – it’s easy to get angry, and make mistakes when we’re angry because the blood is not flowing to our brain. Take a deep breath, inhale, exhale, woosah!
2. Ignore the person – most people say idiotic things based on their ignorance or their fear of looking ignorant. Don’t get drawn into their madness, just ignore them. Focus on what you can do, and move on.
3. Speak to others – There is usually at least one other person who is sane around them, just speak to that person, if there is no one else, then maybe you should look for other friends.
4. Think the best of them – Often times we don’t see our faults, so just as you may say idiotic things and not realize it, try to be gracious and patient with them as well… because really we all act like idiots at some point in time.
5. Finally pray for them – because only God can help you in a situation like that.