One of my good friends disappears when he’s angry. Even if you were the CIA, Secret Service, you would never be able to find him, he says he just doesn’t want to say the wrong thing when he’s upset. One of my other friends is cold whenever she’s angry. She’ll talk to you, but you wouldn’t be sure she’s talking to you because she would treat you like you were a stranger. One of my friends yells and screams and curses people out when she’s angry. One of my friends gets very quiet when there is conflict and says nothing. One of my other friends talks faster and lounder when there is conflict..
We all deal with anger differently, we al deal with conflict differently. The important thing is realizing this, and being patient with each other. We can’t just say, “if it was me, I wouldn’t…” Because it doesn’t matter if it was you, it’s obviously not you… what matters is how is your partner handling it, can you give him some space so he can deal with it his way? CAn you talk to him about how it makes you feel when he distances himself from you, or walks out in the middle of an argument? Can you try to focus on the good times when conflict like this happens?
It’s not easy, and it will never get easy, but it can get easier…
We’re all fellow journeyers trying to make it in the world, so please be patient with us.
Dear God,
Help us to be thankful for your patience with us, and help us to be patient with one another. Help us to be more understanding and to focus on the good instead of the bad.
I would like to hear from you: Talk to me.
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