Photo Credit: д§mд via Compfight
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about how all of a sudden people are getting concerned about my singleness… People are trying to “hook me up” with distant relatives from all over the world…People are praying for me…and talking to me as if my life must be full of misery since marriage is the main purpose of life.
And she said something so profound…she told me that I’m not on anyone else’s timeline… it was something so simple yet so incredibly profound.
There are some people that made a good choice getting married at 16, and others that it was not a good choice…there are people that decided to marry at 40, and others that getting married at 40 was not a good choice either.
Life is organic and just because one way worked for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Just because someone expects something for you doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for you. No matter how well-intentioned they may all be they don’t have to live your life.
We’re all walking our own paths, on our own timelines… God knows I had to apologize to a guy I dated when I was younger because of how horribly I treated him…and trust me if we had gotten married at that age (which we thought we would) I would have completely ruined his life…
See I know I will get married one day…it may be next week or when I’m 97, and I know that whenever it is, there will be an amazing celebration…not because my life can finally start, but because a new chapter will begin…
I’m sure there are people pressuring you now about why you’re still single, or why you’re not dating any guy that asks you out, and why you’re being just so picky… remember that you’re not on their timeline, you’re on yours…and yes people may be disappointed that you don’t follow their timeline, but when they come to you just tell them that you’d rather cut off your own limbs than date their perverted little cousin who spends a little too much time hugging the women in the church…
or you can smile and say “thank you” and move on with your life.
So how do you deal with the “when are you getting married?” questions?
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