Ever since I went natural (AKA no relaxers in my hair), I have been getting all sorts of attention. Sometimes the attention is good – comments like “wow! I love your hair,” other times the attention is not so good – questions like “why is your hair so rough?” – AKA “why is your natural texture frizzy?” I try to be polite when people ask, or touch my hair etc.
Lately though, as my hair continues to grow, people keep saying “I’m so jealous of your hair, if my hair was long like yours I would do all sorts of things to it…” It’s so funny to me because some people don’t understand why I wouldn’t be rocking out all sorts of natural or straightened styles because my hair is long. Someone even asked if I was going to get my hair relaxed for the wedding, to show off my length and beauty. Obviously some people just don’t understand…
What a lot of people don’t realize is that it is because I don’t do all sorts of things to my hair, that my hair continues to grow (to the point that I’d rather just go to a salon to get it washed). It is because I don’t have a relaxer that I don’t have to worry about broken ends, or bald edges on my hair, or patches falling out…
Often times we dream of having what other people have, without realizing what it takes to have what they have. We want other people’s parents, or other people’s husbands, or other people’s jobs, or other people’s accomplishments, but we don’t realize the days spent in prayer, or the hardwork in the background for that husband to come to the Lord, or the nights studying for the MBA so that they can get the job… it means we just don’t understand…
Life is like a book, we get to write in the pages exactly what we want. So if we want that great relationship, it’s up to us to make it work, and if we want that great job, it’s up to us to get the education we need for it, and if we want that great hair, it’s up to us to take care of it, and leave it alone so it can grow long and luscious…
So where will you be five years from now?
Remember to make today a smile day 🙂
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