We attend different churches: Can it work? Well I guess it depends.
I used to think my dream guy would attend my church, because we will both be hearing the same messages, we will both have similar beliefs, and I would have had many opportunities to observe him, and many people to keep us accountable.
But then I realized that just because we attend the same church doesn’t mean that we would have all those things. I mean I have attended churches where I didn’t believe what the church believed, and most people didn’t know what was going on in my life so they couldn’t keep me accountable for anything.
There is a benefit to dating someone from your church, but if you happen to meet someone amazing that attends a different church then it can still work.
First you have to figure out if his beliefs are drastically different from yours. Would your family consider his “church” to be a cult? Do you believe in heaven and hell, while he doesn’t? Do you believe that Jesus is the only way, while he doesn’t? Do you believe in the one man, one woman definition of marriage, while he doesn’t? Do you believe in using birth control in marriage, while he doesn’t?
There are quite a few things to clarify in a relationship. So the most important thing wouldn’t be what church you attend, but what exactly are your beliefs, and can you spend the rest of your life with someone who believes otherwise? And will you still attend different churches after you’re married?
If you can answer the hard questions, then you don’t have to end the relationship just because you attend different churches.
Dear God
Help me to focus on you in everything. Amen
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