Destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice – Phil Cooke (One big thing)
A lot of times when I hear people talk about destiny, or their purpose in life, they seem to think that one day they’ll be walking down the street and bam! destiny will slap them in the face with all the amazing things that they were supposed to do.
Sadly life is not like that. Accomplishing anything worthwhile takes time, takes focus, takes perseverance. And Phil Cooke has once again written this excellent book to help guide us through the process. His earlier book, jolted me awake and reminded me that there was more to this life, and now this book tells me that there is ONE BIG THING that I am destined to do, that I won’t do if I don’t get my act together.
Are you wondering what your purpose is? Get this book.
Are you wondering if you have what it takes to accomplish your purpose? Get this book.
Are you wondering if it even matters whether or not you accomplish your purpose? Get this book
It is an easy read, but you may want to take your time to digest and think about each chapter.
Remember not to focus so much on the “reading” but to focus on the “doing” after the reading.
It is time for you to accomplish your purpose. We need you. We really need you.
*One Big Thing was given to me for free, to review by Thomas Nelson.