Stay friends with your ex…if you want to continue crying yourself to sleep. Photo Credit: Gabriela Camerotti via Compfight One of the biggest lies that popular culture tells us is that breaking up with someone is simple and it happens casually everyday. You know how it goes: it doesn’t work out, we break up, I…
Category: Personal Relationships
Breakups: Losing a best friend
One of the hardest things about breaking up with someone is that you lose a best friend. Photo Credit: Hilda Solis via Compfight I remember when me and “should-have-been-the-love-of-my-life” broke up, I did not realize how much I would miss talking to him about every single detail of my life. I remember calling him in…
Whose timeline is it anyway?
Photo Credit: д§mд via Compfight I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about how all of a sudden people are getting concerned about my singleness… People are trying to “hook me up” with distant relatives from all over the world…People are praying for me…and talking to me as if my life…
Gasping for air
Photo Credit: Kuyler McComas via Compfight I used to have asthma when I was younger. My asthma was really bad, and I have a nickel-sized dead patch of my lung to prove it. It’s hard to explain how delicious air can feel when you’re so deprived for so long. It’s hard for people who’ve never…
You don’t owe it to anyone
Photo Credit: Steve Willi via Compfight You don’t owe it to the world to be pretty, to be attractive, to dress like they tell you to dress. You don’t owe it to the world to wear the color they say is “cute” on you, or the shape they say is flattering for your figure. You…