Because Jesus died and rose again, death is no longer the end. We have hope, we have freedom, he have the power to choose. Sing dance and celebrate…Have a wonderful easter!
Category: God
Even when people don’t like you
Photo Credit: ashley rose, via Compfight I have shocking news: THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT DON’T LIKE YOU! Yeah I had to deal with that the other day when one of my colleagues got upset about something and yelled out that he didn’t like me and that he wasn’t the only one. Being the quick…
Fighting Jealousy
Photo Credit: id-iom via Compfight I can’t remember the last time I was jealous of someone. Don’t get me wrong, I get multiple opportunities everyday to be jealous of people, but I’ve learned how to fight jealousy. Andy Stanley says that jealousy is being angry with God because He owes you something (paraphrase). i.e. When…
When church people hurt you + book giveaway (CLOSED)
Photo Credit: Felipe S. Morin G. via Compfight There was the time when I was talking to someone and this person walked right past me and began talking to the person I was talking to without acknowledging my presence… Or the time when I needed a ride home and the person I asked said that…
Fighting Shame
Photo Credit: Roberto Giannotti via Compfight Ahh Shame…just the word makes me think of all the things I could be ashamed about. As a single woman, there are so many things that threaten to drown you, so many regrets, so many things you wish you could have done, or wish you would have never done….