Before most people knew my husband and I were thinking of getting married, I told one of my family friends, who had known him for years (and had also been married for years). She got so happy, talked about what a great decision it was and said “he will take care of you.”
At the time I wasn’t looking for someone to take care of me. I was looking for someone who was honest and hardworking. Someone I could trust with my life, my children, my dreams and my money. And he met those requirements.
Now a few years later, I’m beginning to understand the wisdom of her words. Although we sometimes get on each other’s nerves, he never ceases to “take care of me.” I particularly appreciate it now when I see how he helps with the baby, and other everyday activities. It makes me feel loved, and less exhausted.
I often wonder about some of the young ladies who plan to marry a man that they know will not “take care of them” but would rather expect the lady to spend her life taking care of him. I worry that perhaps they may be settling… perhaps there are better options out there for them… perhaps…
How about you? The one you’re looking to be with – Will he take care of you?
Jason Pier in DC via Compfight