Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him – Dr. Charles Stanley Jean-François Chénier via Compfight I’ve been thinking about courage a lot lately, and how it takes courage to do the right thing. I began thinking about Dr. Stanley’s favorite saying “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.” It takes a…
Tag: Life
Fighting Shame
Photo Credit: Roberto Giannotti via Compfight Ahh Shame…just the word makes me think of all the things I could be ashamed about. As a single woman, there are so many things that threaten to drown you, so many regrets, so many things you wish you could have done, or wish you would have never done….
What matters now? | iyasostuff.com
As we get into the final two months of the year… Can you look back with joy? Can you look forward with excitement? Time to get inspired What Matters Now

WOF Luci Swindoll | iyasostuff.com
Then of course we had an amazing time listening to Luci Swindoll and gleaning from her life and knowledge. She talked about how God gave us everything richly to enjoy! And how we’ll never enjoy life if we keep wishing for what we don’t have
(56) Get more stuff – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
FIFTY-SIX (57 Ways to beat Loneliness & Depression) Get more stuff We all know that getting more stuff makes us happier right. Stuff can make us look hotter, live longer, be more attractive, more popular, more admired… more…more…more… Dave Ramsey has a quote that is one of my favorites: If you’re so shallow that you…