Many times in life we take people for granted because we think that just because they are there, they will always be there. Or we think that just because they are good to us, they owe it to us to be good to us… and then things change and we realize how good we had…
Tag: Life
Make it work: Maintain your hotness
Okay so y’all know I’ve never been married, and I don’t have any kids. So… I can’t imagine what it must be for a married woman, or a woman with kids… but what I do know is that men never seem to stop drooling over Beyonce… Okay regardless of my views on Beyonce, one thing…
AskOsayi Podcast 12: Fabulous people know they can’t solve other people’s problems
Hey All, There’s a new podcast out. Today I talk about why fabulous people can’t solve other peoples problems. What can you do instead? How can you help people? Let me know what you think Thanks. subscribe to the podcast here: Ask Osayi Podcast – Itunes You can download the MP3 here: AskOsayi Pocast 12: Solving people’s problems…
Make it work: What is your love language?
So I finally read the 5 love languages (By Dr. Gary Chapman), even though I’ve had the book for a while now… and boy that book is so good. Brandon Warren via Compfight I always thought my main love language was words of affirmation, but now I realize that my main love language is quality time….
AskOsayi Podcast 11: Fabulous People listen
Hey All, There’s a new podcast out. Today I talk about listening. Why it’s important to listen, and why fabulous people are good listeners, and how to listen well, or listen better. Let me know what you think Thanks. subscribe to the podcast here: Ask Osayi Podcast – Itunes You can download the MP3 here: Ask Osayi Podcast…