I get angry sometimes, and all I just want to scream is “It’s not fair.” But life is not fair… The other day, I saw a child about 3 years old, helping his mother carrying the kind of load that I wouldn’t even carry myself. I was furious at the mother, but then I thought,…
Tag: Life
Is there a man in the house? AKA Bye Bye feminism
Feminism: FeminismĀ is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. (Wikipedia) The other day we were having electrical issues in the middle of the night. The electrician was trying to talk us through what to do on the phone, and at some point…
Devote yourself to Prayer
Prayer: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where my life is going, what my purpose is in life, where I want to be 2 years from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now… and it made me realize that I really need to pray more… I was listening to a speaker and…
Praying for your future spouse: Inlaws
Inlaws: A friend of mine always used to tell me that she wanted to marry a man who was an orphan because she didn’t want to deal with mother-in-law issues. I can’t say that I ever felt that way, but I think I always wanted a mother-in-law that we were relatively similar and that the…
Praying for your future spouse: Getting Advice
Getting advice: There are some people that are miserable in their marriages, and then there are some people that are just so ecstatically happy in their marriages. There are some people that have had horrible relationships and expect all their relationships to be happy, and there are some people that have had great relationships, and…