I’ve been writing a lot about breakups, perhaps because it’s something that so many of us have experienced and are dealing with constantly. It’s been a great learning experience for me, and perhaps I’ll come back to it in the future. But one of my friends said something that made me think about writing a…
Category: Personal Relationships
Breakups: I’ll never meet another like him
Did I ever tell you about the first guy I was in love with? I’m sure I did, I tell it to everyone I meet. Realistic Imaginations via Compfight I was so sure he was the one. I remember going to singles’ ministries in the church I attended at the time, and while everyone asked…
Breakups: We are just friends but…
Oh no you are not just friends. Don’t even lie to yourself. I’ve noticed lately that many young people lie to themselves saying “OH it’s nothing we are just friends,” but they spend one on one time with each other as if it were a date. Some of them even hold hands and some go…
Breakups: But He’s such a good guy
One of the hardest kinds of breakups is breaking up with a “good guy.” danorbit. via Compfight It’s easy to break up with a guy when he’s a jerk, he’s treating you badly, he’s rude, he’s always late, always stands you up, disrespectful etc. It’s easy to break up with a guy when he’s disrespectful,…
Ask Osayi Podcast 1
Hello Lovebirds, I’m trying out using youtube and podcasts to answer questions. What do you think of the first episode? To Download Audio Click Here. Video Info: Do you have questions about life, love, anything… Here are some questions I wanted to share with you today. 1. I think I’m in love, but my parents don’t…