Photo Credit: ashley rose, via Compfight I have shocking news: THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT DON’T LIKE YOU! Yeah I had to deal with that the other day when one of my colleagues got upset about something and yelled out that he didn’t like me and that he wasn’t the only one. Being the quick…
Category: singleness
Fighting Shame
Photo Credit: Roberto Giannotti via Compfight Ahh Shame…just the word makes me think of all the things I could be ashamed about. As a single woman, there are so many things that threaten to drown you, so many regrets, so many things you wish you could have done, or wish you would have never done….
Do you ever say what you mean?
Photo Credit: Jaskirat Singh Bawa via Compfight My former boss was celebrating his 40th wedding anniversary a few months ago and I asked him what was the secret of staying together for so long. And he said “Communication.” “Of course, communication is important” I thought to myself disappointed because I was expecting something more profound,…
I’ve decided that I’m not going to die (lessons from The Help)
I recently listened to the audiobook “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett (affiliate link) and the main character’s mother (Skeeter’s mother) said something that was so profound. Skeeter’s mother was dying of cancer, and there was so much going on, she was throwing up, she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, she lost her teeth, lost her…
Hey Babe… |
“Babe” For some reason when I hear the word “Babe” my ears perk up… I once gave a guy my number and the very first time he called, and left a message on my phone he called me “babe”…he later caught himself and apologized, but it left me wondering whether he was just desperate for…