I find that it’s easy for me to obsess about things. If I’m in love, I’m obsessed with love. If I’m writing, I’m obsessed with writing. If I’m making new friends I’m obsessed. If I’m starting a new job, I’m obsessed. The problem is that to some extent it seems as if I’m making the…
Category: women
Don’t do these things when you’re on your period (repost)
Hey y’all I know my posting has been pretty sporadic lately, but I wanted to share an old post with you. Let me know what you think: — Ahh…the time of the month…your period…aunt flo…whatever you call it… You know that time of the month when you are extra-sensitive and emotional, when everyone seems against…
Thank God I’m a Woman (Guest Post: Sisters of Honor)
The special gift and ability of each creature defines its special limitations. And as the bird easily comes to terms with the necessity of bearing wings when it finds that it is, in fact, the wings that bear the bird — up, away from the world, into the sky, into freedom — so the woman…
Do all things with finesse
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. – Colossians 3:23-24 Thomas via Compfight Anybody can throw things together and call it a meal. Anybody can do a job halfheartedly…
What then shall we say to these things? (guest post)
What then shall we say to these things? Since God is for us, who can succeed against us? Today I have the privilege of guest posting on Scribbles for Emily. Please visit, leave comments and don’t forget to subscribe to her blog for more life tips. “So many times I find myself worrying about what could…