Babies can be annoying and tiring and exhausting.
I woke up this morning… well maybe I didn’t wakeup as much as I groaned and crawled out of bed this morning … exhausted.
And of course my little miss decided today was her day to scream out her instructions. I don’t mind ignoring her most times, but I feel bad for the neighbors, especially early in the morning.
I mumbled to myself about all the things I wanted to get done this morning, then I remembered that this time with her is temporary, this is just a season – this is a moment I will miss later on.
Later on when she is a teenager, or a young lady with her own family, I will think back on these days and laugh at how quickly they flew.
Since these are the moments I will miss – I might as well enjoy them now.
How about you? What moments are you enjoying now?
Robert Occhialini via Compfight