All my true friends and frenemies know that I love love love plantain chips. If you don’t know this about me then you’re obviously not a true friend or frenemy. Now for those of you living under a rock plantain chips are made out of plantains, plantains are similar to bananas – very similar – except different. Anyway long story short I love plantain chips.
There is a scene in the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” that never ceases to Amuse me. It’s the scene where one of the character was telling the main character about this new diet that she’s on. Essentially her diet was that she didn’t eat anything, but whenever she was about to faint, then she would eat a piece of cheese. I still laugh whenever I think about that scene. Can you imagine someone starving themselves to be skinny, and then at the point of fainting they eat the tiniest bit of cheese. Okay maybe it’s not that funny, especially for those who are really suffering with eating disorders, but… I guess you just have to watch the movie.
Just like the movie, I’ve decided to start a dieting revolution. I promise that you will lose whatever amount of weight you want to lose. All you have to do is eat nothing, and when you feel terrible, massive hunger pains, then eat a bag of plantain chips. You can pick ripe, unripe or seasoned plantain chips. But essentially eat the plantain chips and enjoy your way to a skinnier healthier you.
Don’t forget to consult your doctor before beginning any diet.
And for those of you curious about what Plantains are see below: