Photo Credit: Felipe S. Morin G. via Compfight
There was the time when I was talking to someone and this person walked right past me and began talking to the person I was talking to without acknowledging my presence…
Or the time when I needed a ride home and the person I asked said that they were not sure if they could squeeze me in, but minutes later I heard that gleefully asking someone else if they could give them a ride…
Or the time someone asked for my forgiveness since (unknown to me) they had been bearing a grudge against me for something I was accused of doing…
And then of course there have been the scandals, the affairs, the rumors, the whispers, and the incredible, incomprehensible hurts that your church folks, the ones that are supposed to be closer to you than your own blood, the ones that you’ve chosen to devote your life to, have lavishly bestowed upon you.
Sometimes you feel like you’ll never trust a single person again, you wonder to yourself why are you wasting your time in this church where all you feel is pain when you walk in…and then you slowly drift away….
In Stephen Mansfield’s Book Healing Your Church Hurt*, he addresses a lot of these painful issues, and reminds us once again of God’s love for us, and the purpose of Church. He reminds us of how beneficial forgiveness is to our souls and out bodies. He doesn’t say it will be easy, or pain-free, but the journey is worth it.
I guess when we realize that we too have hurt many people, knowingly or unknowingly, and we too have caused God much pain, perhaps it will be easier to give it to God. And even if it’s not easier, at least we know that it’s possible to let these hurts go…possible yes…automatic? No.
Would you like to WIN A FREE COPY of the book to help you in your journey? Contact me here or leave a comment below, and tell me why you should get the book. (US only until 04/30/2012) (COMPETITION NOW CLOSED)
*Healing Your Church Hurt was provided to me free by Tyndale Publishers
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