When I was younger whenever people wanted to discourage us from doing bad things they would say that God’s eyes are everywhere watching us. They would say that those eyes see when we do bad things and when we do good, and would reward us for whatever we did.
These days, there is another set of eyes watching – My daughter’s.
When I look in the mirror, I have to be careful not to say bad things about myself or to spend too much time beating myself up, because her eyes are watching.
When I speak to people, whether I speak kindly or unkindly, I know that there is a set of eyes watching me, soaking everything up, learning from me.
This human being is learning how to be human from me, from us, learning how to be a woman from me, from us, learning how to be a responsible person from me from us.
I’m learning to be a bit more critical about what I do, because it’s amazing how easily they pick up bad habits, and they are more willing to do what we do, and less willing to do what we tell them to do.
Taro Taylor via Compfight
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