In the real world there is no grade for effort. I think school has spoiled us. If we ever had a good teacher, an encouraging teacher, she would always grade us based on our effort, and our willingness to try. Some people, I think, never get past that. They keep thinking that they should be…
Tag: Life
This Girl is on fire
Ever since we watched the Gabby Douglas movie, my niece has loved the song with those lyrics. And whenever we want to get her hyped up, we begin singing the song. I’ve been reading a lot lately, and doing some different things, and I’ve been feeling like my brain is on fire. I’m in love…
Stay Curious
There are so many things I’m curious about. Like how do people born in the same family have different personalities? or how does someone survive in Nigeria and maintain some form of honesty? or how did the space shuttle really land on the moon? How did someone ever think about inventing a car? How was…
Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen
Do you speak, and people don’t listen? Do you wish that people would listen to what you have to say? Do you wish that people would stop misinterpreting your comments? Do you want to become a better speaker, and a better human being? Then watch the video below: Lorenz Seidler via Compfight P.S. if you…
Sometimes things resolve themselves
I’m an avid believer in Social media and telecommunication. When I’m contacted, I try to respond quickly… but sometimes I’m learning to just let things alone. The other day I accidentally left my phone silent, and missed some important calls. By the time I finally remembered to pick up my phone, and began returning the…