If I told you some of my deepest secrets you would probably think I was very strange, or you would be glad to know that there was someone else in the world that shared your peculiarities, and then you would probably want to be my friend… We all have secrets, every single one of us….
Tag: Life
Worried? Change the station
worried? I’ve found myself worrying a lot lately. If there’s something to worry about, I’ll quickly begin worrying about it. If it’s something that can’t be solved, even better, because it means I can just keep thinking and worrying about it… It doesn’t matter what it is, cleaning the house, writing a blog post, safety…
father’s day 2014
Happy Father’s day to my father, the best father any girl could have ever asked for. A man who knows how to help a girl transition through the awkward phases of life – girlhood, ladyhood, wifehood – and still let her know that she is beautiful and wonderfully made, and a joy to be around….
What it feels like to be married
so I was reading a blog post the other day about what it feels like to be married, and it was interesting. They talked about fights, shouts, slammed doors, etc. that was interesting to me… My single friends often ask me what it feels like to be married, and it’s hard to explain, because sometimes…
I have faith it will work out well
My gift in life is to encourage people. It’s always been that way. Whatever I do, I do to encourage people. I feel like there are just too many discouragers in the world telling us who we cannot be or what we cannot do, and I refuse to be one of them. I’ve been privileged…