Do you feel like others are doing better than you? Do you feel like you might as well give up since you’re not “quite good enough?” Here’s a quick tip: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Osayi (“Oh-sah-yee”) (@osayilasisi) on May 3, 2020 at 1:39pm PDT
Tag: fear
ten ways to minimize fear and accomplish your dreams
My daughter is not limited by the human condition. She doesn’t know she is human, and she hasn’t realized that we have limitations. It is scary, yet refreshing, watching her trying to leap from the bed (because she has not yet discovered gravity) or to scream at the top of her lungs, because no one…
Why do people steal
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about stealing. It’s easy to say that we are all innately wicked, and that is why we steal, but I’ve been wondering… Some say it’s because of poverty, but I know people raised poor who don’t steal. They may have stolen when they were younger, but for whatever reason…
What then shall we say to these things? (guest post)
What then shall we say to these things? Since God is for us, who can succeed against us? Today I have the privilege of guest posting on Scribbles for Emily. Please visit, leave comments and don’t forget to subscribe to her blog for more life tips. “So many times I find myself worrying about what could…
Is God a Mobster?
Most of us are familiar with movies like “the godfather” where the godfather protects people for a “price.” The mobsters go around “informing” people of how there has been a rash of burglaries and deaths in the neighborhood, and that for a price the mobsters will make sure that nothing happened to them… The people…