It’s father’s day again – Time to celebrate the fathers who take fatherhood seriously. To my Husband – You are the most amazing father. It’s a privilege to watch you everyday, the way you take care of us, and take care of your daughter. There is no doubt that your family is important to you….
Tag: father
I’m not your friend I’m your father
Sometimes my daughter does not like sitting in her car seat. Whenever she begins to protest I immediately tell her “I’m not your friend, I’m your mother.” If I’m in a talkative mood I may go on to talk about the statistics, and how the carseat is important to save her life etc. etc. etc….
Because abortion kills men |
We hear a lot about how women are affected by abortion. We argue between whether it’s a woman’s right to do whatever she wants, or whether the unborn baby should also have a right. We don’t hear too much about the man’s perspective – but who would have guessed it? Abortion actually affects the men…