Sometimes I can’t stand being around people that are “in love.”
It’s “baby this” and “baby that…” they make soft cooing noises and pinch each other’s cheeks as if their “love” was the cutest weeetle baby they had ever seen.
Kristina Alexanderson via Compfight
The thing though about giving someone you care about that special preference and using those words is that when you’re in a relationship, even the littlest things can really be offensive. You can look back and wonder how stupid it was that you got so upset about something, or you can promise yourself that you wouldn’t get so angry again, but you find yourself getting angry over and over again.
That’s why it’s so important to treat those we love like they are fragile babies. Treat them like we care about the little things that bother them, treat them like they are precious. Because deep down inside we are all fragile babies, so please be careful with our hearts.
So how do you apologize to your boosky, when you’ve done something wrong?