Forty-two (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Make new friends I made a new friend (at work) last week. I just happened to run into her and I asked her what her name was. The next day I casually asked her what she was interested in, and we struck up a conversation. I even…
Category: Personal Relationships
(41) Reconnect with Old Friends | 57 Ways
Forty-One (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Reconnect with Old friends. The other day I went to watch a movie (Midnight in Paris) with a group of people, but only two of us showed up. This guy (let’s call him G) and I. Everything went pretty well. He paid for the movies, I paid for…
57 Ways to Beat Loneliness and Depression 31-40
Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying this series on beating loneliness – I enjoyed researching and blogging about it. For those who may have missed a day, I have everything organized here for you. 31. Learn to Quit 32. Always do the right thing 33. Lose Some 34. Consider the Less Privileged 35. Garbage in Garbage…
(36) Stop cussin’ yourself – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
THIRTY-SIX. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Stop Cussin’ Yourself Our tongues are very powerful! When I was younger, my older brother and I would get into fist fights. Since he was bigger and stronger than I was, I would have to result to using my words: “You’re so stupid, you’re the stupidest idiot…
(35) Garbage In Garbage Out – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
THIRTY-FIVE. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Garbage in Garbage out When I first started learning to use a computer in school, the instructor told us about the magical way the computer worked: Garbage in = Garbage out If you put in the wrong thing into the computer, you get the wrong results. Our…