FOUR. (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Stop praying about it Yes I believe in prayer, and yes I know it’s important to pray about what concerns you…but too many times we use “prayer” as an excuse to complain. Not only do we complain to people, but we complain to God (as if He’s the…
Category: singleness
(1) Crush your biological clock – Beat Loneliness
I know you all enjoyed the series on “finding the one” but I thought that we could take a break from that series to address something that many people have been asking for…which is: if many people are looking for the one because they are so lonely, “how do you stop being lonely?’ Well my…
Finding the one (7): but my biological clock…
Two weeks ago we talked about whether money was important in a relationship, and then we celebrated resurrection Sunday. (Hallelujah!) This week we will be talking about the infamous biological clock. It is time for all of us to get together (metaphorically) and crush our biological clocks! If you maintain your health you (a woman)…
Finding the one (6): We have love we don’t need money
Last week we discussed whether it was important to have a spouse who loved God. This week we will be talking about whether money is important in having a healthy relationship. What is the number one reason for divorce in America? Money! Yeah I guess everyone else is shallow, while you are deep. I guess…
Finding the one (5): It’s okay if he doesn’t love God
Last week we talked about the misconception that it’s necessary to “test-drive” you future mate. This week we will be talking about whether it is important for your future spouse to love God. When I was in college, one of the best guys I dated was an atheist. He was one of the most respectful,…