Fifty (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Freely make mistakes I used to hate driving to places I have never been before. Even when Mr. Tom-Tom is directing me and telling me how to get where I wanted to go safely, I would still get so tense and worry about missing my way or my…
Category: singleness
(47) Transparency and Opaqueness – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Forty-Seven (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Transparency and Opaqueness Her: How was your weekend? Me: It was good. I spent some time with my family, which I really enjoyed because I hadn’t seen them in so long. I also got to read this really good book, have you heard of it it’s called… blah…
(45) Please remember my name – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Forty-Five (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Please Remember my name “Wow that’s a beautiful name! Can I call you ‘O?’” “No please call me Osayi.” It doesn’t matter how challenging a person’s name is, don’t try to make up a pet name for them. If they can take the effort to learn and remember…
(44) Learn to light up – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Forty-Four (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Learn to Light up A few years ago, one of the ladies at my church pulled me aside and asked me whether I was interested in one of the guys at the church. She said that she noticed that I lit up whenever he was around. She was…
(43) Have time for people – Beat Loneliness | 57 Ways
Forty-Three (57 Ways to Beat Loneliness & Depression) Have time for people One Sunday, not that long ago church had ended and I was in a rush. I’m not really sure where I was in a rush to, or whether I was just pretending to be in a rush so I did not have to look…