The first movie my boo and I watched together at the movie theater (when he was still trying to charm his way into my heart) was a Ghanian movie about relationships, cheating etc. We picked the movie because by the time we got there, this was the only movie that seemed as if it would…
Category: singleness
Shout Out to my boo for life
Yo yo yo shout out to all my peeps! This post is dedicated to my boo… LOL I know it doesn’t even sound like me… Well I just wanted to take this time to apologize for not a single post in the past few weeks… **shame face** But you know how that goes sometimes… The…
Womanhood – dropping balls
Do you hear that? Yeah that sound… that’s the sound of balls fallling… I attended an event for professional women the other day, and they talked about how as women, you constantly have to juggle multiple balls – family, work, church, friends etc. And sometimes you will drop some of the balls… That was a…
44- he should always let you have your way
hey y’all – It’s time for a new series, that I plan to turn into a book… We would like to talk about relationship fallacies that are ruining our relationships, and how we can fix them… I’m still working on a title, so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it :-). This is…
5- He should like you all the time
hey y’all – It’s time for a new series, that I plan to turn into a book… We would like to talk about relationship fallacies that are ruining our relationships, and how we can fix them… I’m still working on a title, so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it :-). This is…