It’s mother’s day today I mean sorry It’s Children’s day. But it might as well be Mother’s day since a lot of moms are running around today trying to find something fun for their children to do. Sigh* The work of a mother is never done… Anyway it’s children’s day and the world is messssssssed…
Category: women
For the non-psychic mothers of crying babies
Crying Babies: Every time my baby cries, someone asks me “what is wrong with her? Why is she crying?” I usually shrug and say I don’t know. Sometimes I’m tempted to ask them the same question, just in case they are psychic and they can help me… I mean afterall, it’s very easy to figure…
That’s why it’s called physical parenting – mother’s day 2015
Often times when people ask me “how is motherhood?” I say “It is exhausting…” On a good day I”m in bed by 8:30pm, on other days you may call me by 6:30pm and get offended because I didn’t pick up your call, but the truth is that I’m already fast asleep. It’s funny to…
Letting go
Letting go – Whenever my daughter gets startled, she throws her hands up lets go of everything and falls backward. Although I know it’s a reflex reaction, I always mused at the ridiculousness of it – I mean why let go? why not hold on tightly when you’re afraid. I used to think of it…
Love is more than words
Can you believe it? Valentine’s day is next week!!! EEEk*** Well I’m not surprised that Valentine’s day snuck up on me, I usually don’t do much… But I’ve been thinking about the pressure people put on themselves on Valentine’s day. I remember when I was dating, something always happened to ensure that I wasn’t dating…