My gift in life is to encourage people. It’s always been that way. Whatever I do, I do to encourage people. I feel like there are just too many discouragers in the world telling us who we cannot be or what we cannot do, and I refuse to be one of them. I’ve been privileged…
Category: loneliness
The funny thing about heartbreak
The funny thing about heartbreak is that when you’re going through it you feel like you’ve never been hurt like this before and that you’ll never get over it. You feel like the love you once shared was one in a million and you’ll never experience that kind of love again. You think that the…
Sometimes I just want to talk
Hello fabulous people, So much has been going on… And I haven’t been writing as frequently as I would like to write… so what’s new with you? I said goodbye to my grandmother recently, and it made me think about life. You know what is your life? What is the purpose of life? Why are…
Praying to be loved
Praying to be loved: Have you ever been in a relationship and you like the person so much, but you noticed that perhaps they don’t like you quite as much as you like them, and you find yourself praying that they would love you? Ahh, I was once in that situation. Praying that he would…
Breakups: I’ll never meet another like him
Did I ever tell you about the first guy I was in love with? I’m sure I did, I tell it to everyone I meet. Realistic Imaginations via Compfight I was so sure he was the one. I remember going to singles’ ministries in the church I attended at the time, and while everyone asked…