I recently listened to the audiobook “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett (affiliate link) and the main character’s mother (Skeeter’s mother) said something that was so profound. Skeeter’s mother was dying of cancer, and there was so much going on, she was throwing up, she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, she lost her teeth, lost her…
Category: Romans
Friends, Romans, Countrymen – Pleasure in death | iyasostuff.com
Romans 1 Romans 1: 32 So even though we know that sin is wrong, and sin produces death, for some reason we continue enjoying the sin, and having pleasure in those that commit these sins. My favorite shows on TV are filled with premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, strife, anger, gossiping, all sorts of evil things,…
Friends, Romans, Countrymen – All unrighteousness | iyasostuff.com
Romans 1 Romans 1: 28-31 Because they chose not to accept God’s truth, God let them live in the filth they wanted to live in, he let them think what they wanted to think. And when I choose not to accept God’s truth, he lets me live with the consequences, He is gracious, but he…
Friends Romans Countrymen – Vile Affections | iyasostuff.com
Romans 1 Romans 1: 26-27 Because they chose to worship nature instead of God, because they decided they would do whatever they wanted to do with their bodies, God gave them up to vile affections, the women wanted women, and the men wanted men, which was unnatural. Vile: Strong’s Number: 819 Original Word Word…
Friends, Romans,Countrymen – gave them up | iyasostuff.com
Romans 1 Romans 1: 24 God gave them up to do what they wanted – they followed their hearts and dishonored their bodies. How sad. Everything I do, is based on how I think. So why don’t I trust God sometimes? I sometimes wonder how amazing our bodies would have been if we had trusted…