Are you thinking of starting a business soon?
Well my guest post on will help you get started.
Here is an excerpt below:
There comes a point when you think to yourself “this is not what I expected my life to look like.”
When you reach that point you have two options. You can continue as if nothing happened, and join the millions of people with life-long regrets, or you can decide to move into what gives you joy. It may be scary, terrifying, and petrifying to think about leaving a stable income to try something that you’re not sure “will work.” Can I just let you know that the fear, the risk and the sacrifices are worth it, especially if you are smart about how you do it.
Here are a few tips for pivoting into joy:
- It’s okay to have a job on the side. While you’re looking at finding what makes your soul sing, you can also keep a job on the side. Yes, a side job can delay your progress, but that’s up to you to decide not to let it be an obstacle. You have to decide how long you will work in this job, and what you will do every day to help you find something more fulfilling.
- Get some mentors. One of the best things you can do is get some mentors. If you know some wonderful people who would be willing to mentor you in person, then make yourself available to them. Find people online and…
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